Thread: Auto or O/U?
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Old November 19, 2009, 06:47 PM   #12
Join Date: November 10, 2009
Posts: 34
You have to factor in I am calling, watching other hunters to make sure they are safe, watching for ducks, holding a shotgun and handling a dog simultaneously-----when you do that for 30 days in a row of a 60-day season getting up every day at 2:30 am, stuff will get dropped, dinged and scratched. I don't do this any more but I have at at the end of a season, you are worn out.

I had a Beretta 686 action and hated it. It did not fit me, the thing went to safe every time you broke open the shotgun and the ejectors worked so well, if you were not careful----live shells went "plop-plop" into the drink.

The only people I hunt with that have pristine shotguns tend to baby them when we are hunting. I just won't do it. I clean them meticulously but I refuse to worry about one.

You sound like the exception to the rule but the OP needs to factor in duck hunting is one of the harshest environments a shotgun will ever endure.
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