Thread: Dog Attack
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Old January 9, 2005, 07:15 AM   #31
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Join Date: December 28, 2004
Posts: 205
If you are attacked by a large dog and would rather fight it than run try and grab his jaw and top muzzle, he will thrash his head violently but I think that the average man is strong enough to hold it, now the thing is you better do something to put him out "like break his neck or suffocate him" because if you let go before hes out you got problems.

I discovered this wrestling with my dogs. I have a black lab and an Alaskan Malamute that weighs 140 lbs and hes not fat. Also if you jab your thumb as far back on the tongue as you can go "and I mean hard" it wiLL cause them to gag. also show the dog you are the boss, stare him down and act like you have the power to kill him and most of the time the dog will submit.
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