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Old July 12, 2010, 08:33 AM   #43
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If the dog has raised hair on its back and is barking and charging, you better believe that I'm going to pull my gun out, have my trigger finger ON THE TRIGGER (since it's double action), and aimed at the dog. Then, instead of screaming out to the owner, I'd try a few friendly gestures at the dog to get him to see that I am not a threat...."Hey,'s alright....".

I'd wait until I was certain that the dog was going to try to attack, bite, etc. If that happened I'd fire a couple of shots center of mass.

It's pretty stupid to unleash several dogs in an area where you obviously see there are other people, and can obviously hear one of your dogs preparing to attack. Stupid dog owners end up with dead dogs.....too bad for the dog's sake.
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