Thread: Frog Lube
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Old October 24, 2011, 08:34 AM   #11
Join Date: October 20, 2011
Posts: 40
Well I've never tried to put bacon grease or butter on my handguns so i'll take your word for it. What I can tell you is I always clean my guns warm. I've worked with metal most of my life and you are correct that warming the metal opens the pores and allows crud to be released which is exactly why I've always used this method even when using other cleaning products.

When I did my 226 with the FL the first time It had already been cleaned with Hoppe's then lubed with Slip2000 and appeared to be spot less. Nothing would come off when wiped with a clean white towel. Before using the FL I warmed the gun slightly and wiped the whole thing down with a clean rag and a large amount of 91% alcohol, again nothing on the rag, nothing on a patch.

I pasted the gun heavily with FL and warmed it up and just let it sit. After a few minutes there was a puddle under the gun and the junk just kept coming off. After the second round with FL the black crud was gone.

I've run a couple of thousand rounds through it since then and clean up is easier. Most of the time requiring only a dry rag and a little more FL. I will tell you that I repeat the whole process at least once a month whether the gun has been fired or not. I'm sold on its ability to clean and lube. I'm still on the fence about long term protection against rust and corrosion.
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