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Old November 2, 2011, 02:41 PM   #114
Tiny ChickenFoot
Junior Member
Join Date: October 25, 2011
Posts: 10
A few years ago I came out of the woods from a run and as I walked up the street a 70lb plus Doberman came flying out at me with an idiot woman sceaming for him to stop. With her right behind my line of sight I chose not to kill the thing in front of the presumed owner. As he lunged at me, I stepped back and kicked up into his throat so not to break his jaw but making it tough to breath and throwing him into the air. The thing landed about 10 or 12' past me in a pile, started to get up and thought better of it.

I told the woman that my little girl walks the street with me occasionaly and if that dog ever steps foot off the property towards me or someone else, I'd kill him.

Next day I reported the incident to the Chief of Police in town and he concurred that whatever was needed to protect life and property was ok with him. I suggested that he speak to the woman and the dog was gone shortly after.

Most dogs aren't over 100lbs and I generally ran the woods with a stainless .380 for 2 legged protection which is plenty close in for most 4 legged critters.
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