Thread: This bugs me
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Old February 10, 2006, 07:18 AM   #2
Join Date: October 1, 2004
Posts: 98
I dont know if this helps or not, but heres how I see it. As much as my girlfriend and other family members have discussed wanting to be more situationally aware, they just arent able to put it into practice. Often times I think its a self defense mechanism. Its one thing to know that bad things happen in the world, its another to be on the look out for them. I see it as my responsibility to be the one that makes sure everyone knows to keep the doors locked, and Im the one that keeps the hedge trimmed, lights on, etc.. I am the one thats carries. I am the one that stays alert when they choose to be blissfully ignorant.

Sure in a perfect world all of us would take responsibility for knowing whats happening in our surroundings (then again in a perfect world we wouldnt have to), but in the real world we often choose not to. What can you do other than totally terrify your SO? They can only do what theyre willing to do.

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