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Old September 30, 2012, 08:12 PM   #31
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Right, but again this situation involved the father going next door at the request of the frightened neighbor, who was not only known to him but also a relative.

I would have done the same, but would have had the neighbor/sister call 911, too.

This situation was really a no-win for the father.

I am normally one of the choir who say to hole up in a safe place, weapon ready, while keeping open comms with the 911 dispatcher. However, this won't work in all circumstances.

For instance, next spring if all goes well I'll be a first-time father. The baby will have its own room as soon as practical, as that is the advice being given to new parents these days. This means that at some point next year, any bump in the night larger than what a toddler would make will require movement on my part, at least enough to take a position covering the stairs (since our bedroom and the child's will be on the second floor).

Luckily, our house is set up in such a way that I can control a chokepoint.

On the other hand, at some point in the future one of my parents or one of my wife's may end up moving in with us. (We assume this will be the case with the survivor of the first one to pass, but that should still be some years off.)

At that point, we'll have a kid in an upstairs bedroom, and an elderly person downstairs. I will no longer be able to simply stay up at the upper landing to the staircase, if I suspect an intrusion.

Some situations don't lend themselves to calling 911 and sitting still.
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