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Old November 28, 2005, 12:45 PM   #43
Jack Malloy
Senior Member
Join Date: February 3, 2005
Posts: 791
Meanwhile, back in the real world....

Chances are if he discovers you are packing, he is gonna run.
Criminals are after an easy score, not a fight.
Chances are, he has not seen the police training video showing that a man witha knife has an advantage over a man with a gun at 15 yards.
He sees a peice, chances are the brown stuff will fly down his leg as he runs away, and you are really worrying about something highly unlikely to happen....Unless he is so stoned he is fearless, and would proabably even have trouble standing up.
Thing to do is do what I do when you train.
Practice diversion.
I routenely practice drawing my handgun while reaching my wallet forward in a full lenght mirror.
Another trick that will make you quick is to practice drawing as you toss a coin from one hand to the next. Thats an old speed draw thing that fast draw competitors used to do.
A little training and diversion and you most likely won't have to worry.
In the real world the only way somebody would discern that you were armed would be by seeing you inadvertantly print or flash. In that case, chances are, he would not confront you openly any way, he would attack you without warning. In which case you are up $#!+ creek, like the liquer store clerk in the first Dirty Harry movie....
Many guys worry more about speed of draw and access than concealment, but thats a mistake. Make sure your gun is CONCEALED and that you can get to it fast.....
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