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Old March 18, 2010, 06:58 PM   #63
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Join Date: September 9, 2009
Posts: 13
The above is exactly how both Houses have always taken a voice vote and declared the winners. All without ever recording who shouted what.

Just in case you were wondering, ganai.
Right, but that isn't specific to self-enacting rules - it goes for any vote.
I just don't see how the House could 'hide' their votes on this - surely at least 1/5 of them will want a record of the vote?
Or is there some other parliamentary trick happening here that I'm unaware of?

As far as why its happening - the Senate bill, as it currently is, wouldn't pass the House, and also, the Democrats no longer have 60 votes in the Senate, so they couldn't break a filibuster on a health care bill modified to get through the House.

So for the Democrats, its the Senate bill, and then modify it after it is passed, or no health care reform at all.
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