Thread: Select-fire
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Old October 16, 2009, 10:03 AM   #116
Mike Irwin
Join Date: April 13, 2000
Location: Northern Virginia
Posts: 41,390
"Dead and buried over a 100 years."

Your proof in as much as the laws were repealed is... what?

"We have those today. They are called contractor security guards. They are not militia."

So you're saying today is EXACTLY the same as 1941-1946, when 16 million men were under arms and the vast majority of them were overseas?

There were contract security guards in the 1940s, too. But it wasn't contract security guards who were guarding rail crossings in Lower Thumbsuck, it was MILITIA.

You're also saying that there will never again be a national emergency of that scope? Can I have your crystal ball?

The Government also didn't procure firearms for contract security guards, it procured firearms to arm those whose unpaid civilian front duties necessitated them being armed as members of the militia.

The Government also published numerous manuals on the suitability of arms in civilian hands -- handguns, hunting rifles, shotguns, etc. -- being used in unpaid civilian front duties as members of the militia.

It's very quaint and nice to claim that something is "dead and buried," but claiming that based solely on the fact that it's been 60 years since the last call doesn't make it so.
"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is in fact the most precious and valuable possession of mankind" -Theodorus Gaza

Baby Jesus cries when the fat redneck doesn't have military-grade firepower.
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