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Old September 20, 2013, 06:58 AM   #6
Junior member
Join Date: February 2, 2010
Posts: 6,846
My strategy is to carry "my bags" in my non shooting hand. Should I feel the need to draw, the bags get swung, dropped, or thrown as a distraction while I draw with the other hand. When the Grandkids are walking with me, they already know not to walk on my right side or hold onto my right hand. I keep some small bills in my left front pants pocket. If by some lack of attention, a bad guy catches me off guard I drop/throw these few bills on the ground between us. The bad guy watches the money fall and is distracted while I draw. I don't carry my pistol in a bag or coat-it's on my belt and my coat is not zipped or buttoned to the point I can't access my gun.
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