Thread: CZ ergos...why?
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Old October 12, 2012, 05:44 AM   #49
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Of all companies to concentrate on ergonomics, why a manufacturer from the Czech Republic? What posessed them to focus so hard on a fairly obscure design feature?
It has a lot less to do with ergos than it does CZ (as a company) being in the right place & at the right time & having the right product.
There's plenty of other examples of good to great guns that for one reason or another never went very far.

Take away the new factory the Czech government built & that CZ picked up for a fraction of the cost when industry privatized, the lifting of import bans when the Czech Republic tossed out communism, the Turkish military over run of 75b's that allowed for very low cost 75b's to be imported, a very favorable exchange rate @ the time, a good word from Cooper - and -CZ would just have been another "close but no cigar".....
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