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Old October 21, 2006, 09:27 AM   #167
4V50 Gary
Join Date: November 2, 1998
Location: Colorado
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Who's the better marksman?

Reported in one Richmond Paper during the Civil War:

A Tragic Affray in Hardin county, Ill.
--A dispute arose in Hardin county, Ill., on the 23d ult., between Captain Vaughn and Arch. Rutherford, as to their science as marksmen, which resulted in a set-to at fisticuffs, in which Rutherford proved the better man, when Captain Vaughn's son- in-law, William Norton, interfered and shot Rutherford, seriously wounding him. An attempt was made on the part of David Denton to arrest Norton, who fired on Denton, killing him almost instantly, the ball from the pistol having entered his head. It is thought that Rutherford will recover. Norton has not been arrested.
Better to hold a friendly shooting match that resort to fisticuffs and gunfights.
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