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Old November 10, 2002, 04:57 PM   #2
Mike Irwin
Join Date: April 13, 2000
Location: Northern Virginia
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St. Etienne is a town in France, home of one of France's national arsenals, and a center for French firearms making for over 200 years, sort of like Belgium's Liege area.

Hard to say who made your shotgun. It could have been a "cottage" gun, with various components made by many manufacturers.

I'd say that the date may be closer to the turn of the 20th century, as WWs I and II were pretty hard on the gun making industry in France.
"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is in fact the most precious and valuable possession of mankind" -Theodorus Gaza

Baby Jesus cries when the fat redneck doesn't have military-grade firepower.
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