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Old May 22, 2012, 03:54 PM   #21
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Join Date: September 23, 2009
Location: Ft. Collins, CO.
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I've been practicing the maneuver most easily seen in the Tom Cruise movie "Collateral." (Hit man goes out on the town doing hits. Encounters 2 punks who try to rob him...)

Draw and fire two shots at arm's length or closer while keeping your gun arm elbow pinned to your side. (This to prevent just thrusting the gun to your assailant where he can remove it from your grasp. ) Free arm must remain planted on your belly so as to stay out of harm's way.

Then, when you've stepped back a pace or two, move the gun to a proper 2-handed sighting hold and continue shooting and backing until the target stops threatening.

In my drill, I continue applying double-taps until the gun runs dry. I can cover a lot of ground in reverse before all 15 rounds are gone.

The draw and pivot is a point shooting maneuver and took a small amount of practice to learn how to align it for best hits.
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