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Old January 9, 2012, 01:00 PM   #85
Frank Ettin
Join Date: November 23, 2005
Location: California - San Francisco
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Originally Posted by nate45
...The Myth of Muscle Memory I didn't title it, the author did. It isn't about semantics, or not practicing drawing ones handgun, training, etc. Its about thinking under stress and thinking about each different and separate scenario you might be in. Notwithstanding, the drills and draw practice one might have done. Its also about how some individuals had ingrained bad habits into their 'muscle memory', thats what 'muscle memory' is after all, a habit...
Having just read the article again, the title is really very misleading. It's not about whether or not one can or should learn to do certain things reflexively. It's about the dangers of learning to do the wrong things reflexively. It's sort of like the way I keep saying that if you keep practicing the wrong things you'll just become an expert at doing things wrong.

So if a training protocol requires the student to pick up the brass after every shot string, we have come to understand that teaches a dangerously counterproductive habit. It's not about overtraining. It's about training the wrong things.
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