Thread: NOT Gun Control
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Old February 18, 2018, 12:06 AM   #31
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
Location: Upper US
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Mothers mourning the needless death of kids in school, just because some gun people don't want to give one more inch is disgusting.
I agree, its disgusting. Also disgusting is blaming people, MILLIONS of people, who did NOTHING WRONG, BROKE NO LAWS, and had NOTHING to do with the crime.

Disgusting that INNOCENT people are considered to blame, just because they own guns, and don't believe that they should be punished OR "inconvenienced" because someone ELSE broke the law.
there seem to be a number of people that are willing to let selfish motives override doing anything to improve the current trend in mass shootings.
Yes, selfish of us not to blindly accept further restrictions and fees, with NOTHING but a PROMISE of it doing anything to improve the current trend in mass shootings.

"Better background checks will fix the problem" is just as honest a statement as "this agreement ensures that we will have peace in our time!"

The people saying it absolutely believe it, but history always shows them to be wrong in the end.
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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