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Old September 7, 2009, 01:17 AM   #23
Join Date: October 1, 2008
Location: Kodiak, AK
Posts: 49
If you are days away from a processer, skin, and quarter the deer as soon as possible. Bag the meat in heavy plastic and put into coolers with ice. I try to avoid getting the meat wet. It will keep like this for days. Another problem I run into processing is when people gut their deer and put them in the back of a pickup or in the garage for a few days. The meat needs air to circulate to cool it properly. I once bought two bison from a ranch in North Dakota. We shot them, gutted them, and winched them into a refridgerated trailer (36 degrees). We then drove them back to the butcher shop in northern Minnesota. After 16 hours in a 36 degree trailer, the meat was still steaming, and we lost a lot of meat to spoilage. I would hang quarters next time up off the floor.
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