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Old April 21, 2013, 01:26 PM   #38
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Join Date: February 16, 2006
Location: Baton Rouge, LA
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NRA members compared to those of TFL?

Of course, the NRA does their own polling of their members - the entire membership - and get results to these questions as well.

When organizations do polling and surveys they use them as a gauge. The media then tries to explain the results. Hardly ever do they consider the organization doing the poll, the funding for the poll or the questions of the poll.

My first question would be how did they identify someone as an NRA member? The NRA clearly did not offer up their membership list.

If the media reported that 75% of TFL members believed X. My first question would be how did they get a list of all our members.

Same in this case. If the question was, Are you an NRA member? My answer to that question would be a lie. So I am not shocked that the TFL survey conducted by the TFL of the TFL shows
A polar opposite result to the quinnipiac poll.

Also important - quinnipiac polling founded by Andy Tannebaum, centered out of Connecticut and filled with academics is going to have a slant no matter how hard they try not to. In fact it is hard to find a polling institute that does not. Calling them independent is really a joke regardless of who they are. It might also be important to know that Tannenbaum is/ was a lobbyist for the Sierra Club. So again, not shocked how the results display themselves from the quinnipiac poll.
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