Thread: Too many guns?
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Old June 2, 2013, 11:38 PM   #18
Join Date: October 3, 2012
Posts: 42
HillShooter: Exactly what happened to me in 2007-8. I was a traveling GM in the construction industry and boom! I hit rock bottom and my wife and I sat back and named my guns. Mortgage payment, truck payment, food, utilities, etc. We were blessed with a healthy savings account that we did run essentially dry in the 8 months of no work. But we traveled a bit with her job and had some fun too. When life hands you lemons..... Anyhow, I got rid of my pre 64's, 4 ar's (good thing about that last election), all my "evil black guns" essentially and my deeply cherished german made 224 weatherby rocket. The great thing is that I dont really miss a single one. Just have fond memories and I even know where I can get some of them back at anytime I see fit.
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