Thread: What to do?
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Old April 9, 1999, 09:43 PM   #22
James K
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Join Date: March 17, 1999
Posts: 24,383
Yes, talking over various scenarios, and playing the games in the magazines is a lot of fun.


If you choose to carry and use deadly force, you are not in the playground any more! We are talking about killing people, maybe innocent people, and that is not a game. I love gun "nuts". You (we) are great people, but most of us are not killers. We practice a lot; we know our guns. But..

There is a lot of difference between punching holes in a target and watching blood spray out of a dying man's chest as he screams and screams.

There is a lot of difference between imagining the calm, cool way you will explain the situation to the cops and throwing up all over your new chinos.

There is a lot of difference between being hailed as a hero and being arrested for murder.

Guess what? A Glock or a SIG doesn't look so neat when a hard-faced cop is pointing it at you! It just looks dangerous!

If you fire at anyone, even the most bad of bad guys, as anything less than the last resort, you will be in lots of trouble, even if you hit no one.

Of course you have the right of self defense; you have that right whether you are armed legally or not, or not armed at all. But the key is SELF defense, not a general right to play Action Comics hero and defend the public in all situations.

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