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Old April 27, 2013, 08:35 PM   #11
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Join Date: February 10, 2010
Posts: 720
Yes there are some outcomes with both OC and TASER (one companies tradename) that did result in death.

Just speaking broadly, OC would have less of a chance of being mistaken as a deadly weapon due to shape. Its a can with a push button on top generally. Also, some TASERS (trade name again) can resemble a firearm, and thus a person could rightly not know if they are facing a lethal, or less then lethal threat until after the fact. Also keep in mind with TASERS (trade name once again) last for 5 sec for a law enforcement version, and 30 sec for a public version. There are more investigations/lawsuits due to the law enforcement version (deep pockets/more likely to be used) so take it for what its worth. The question at hand is whether use of OC or a TASER will meet the definition brought about in the laws quoted by Spats.
Originally Posted by Spats
such force is necessary to
protect himself against the use or imminent use of unlawful physical force by the other person
Key question as being what is "unlawful physical force by another person"?

Side note, after having gone through OC and TASER classes, experiencing both, I would prefer OC (TASER cramped my back up for 2 weeks, OC is over after a couple of hours with water and soap). Yes it can incapacitate a person, or render that person at a less then ideal position to defend him/herself. Personnally speaking, I could only testify to my experience having gone through both. Without that experience, it could weaken a persons testimony, or perhaps strengthen it, due to "fear of the unknown"

Last edited by Fishing_Cabin; April 27, 2013 at 08:40 PM.
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