Thread: injured deer
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Old January 16, 2007, 04:19 PM   #11
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Me & my bro was riight behind some older folks who hit a deer once. The deer expired quickly and LEO's were called to take the report. They asked why we were there and we told them we wanted the deer for the meat. They gave it to us, along with a meat donation certificate, so all was well along those lines.

If it happened where the deer didn't immediately expire, or LEO's were not on the scene...I think a cell phone call to the police at the time wouldn't take much time and permission to put the deer down given, an incident reference number be taken down, and that way if anyone called in for the sound of the shot, it would be on file so no trouble would come of it I think. Seems reasonable. If conscience dictated to down the deer quickly so as not to cause any more TA's etc., use your head, do what you have to do, and then stow the weapon in case LEO shows up. That would seem to be the right thing to do in that instance.
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