Thread: STG44 impact
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Old November 20, 2017, 03:09 AM   #13
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It does seem that the Germans were very adept at the arms race, however, there were a couple of serious blunders that doomed them. If I remember correctly, they had a pretty good deal going with Russia to divide eastern Europe between them. If Germany hadn't attacked Russia and thus did not have an Eastern Front, that would have made a huge difference. Also, if I recall correctly, the United States declared war on Japan, not Germany. It was the Germans that declared war on the US. If they had maintained neutrality with America and kept their bargain with Russia, then maybe, mind you, just maybe, they might have been able to take England.

If only Kings were Aces.....but they ain't!

If the STG44 had come out much earlier, the likely impact would have been the development of countermeasures by allied powers. Such is the nature of an arms race. One must either make more weapons faster than his opponent, or better weapons, but preferably both; and these weapons must be produced faster than they are being destroyed. In that conflict, I think it was the contest for air superiority that decided the inevitability of the outcome.
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