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Old January 8, 2013, 01:57 PM   #20
Join Date: March 9, 2011
Posts: 55
If there is an attempt at confiscation the only thing that will be like the British here will be like in 1770s when we kicked their Limey butts. An armed resistance in the US would be unstoppable unless the government is willing to kill swaths of innocents to get 1 American Insurgent. Their is no logistical way to contain 1% of gun owners without drawing the ire of the previously indifferent.
Plus, do you want to be the police officer or federal forces guy that is at the front of the line doing 80 million raids across the nation?
These are truly trying times and it will only get worse.
I fully believe that the dems will not introduce anything until the next mass shooting event (that isn't stopped by a lawful gun owner). They will wait and hope to capitalize on the emotions of the moment. We've already seen allies of the 2nd amendment cave in and let emotions dictate their beliefs.
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