Thread: Condition zero?
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Old December 27, 2011, 12:02 PM   #1
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Condition zero?

Last Thursday as I was leaving hurriedly, my EDC (a Para LDA Carry) was in the bedroom so I picked up my Colt LW Commander instead and put it in my OWB holster on my way out the door.

I didn't touch it again until late afternoon as I put my hand on it to return it to my desk. The thumb safety was off and the hammer down. Now, I don't often keep a pistol in condition two, but have done so occasionally. As I removed it from the holster I noticed that there was no magazine! My first thought was that I had inadvertently ejected it and that I would find in on the seat of my truck. However, when I rolled the cylinder desk open to return the Colt to its normal place, the loaded magazine was lying in plain sight. I cycled the pistol: Empty. I had been carrying a totally useless ornament. And, since it was concealed, it wasn't even much of an ornament.

I have learned a valuable lesson and have become a convert: No more Condition two. Ever. If it isn't Condition one, then it isn't ready to go. Of course, as we all know, it is still always loaded.


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