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Old October 20, 2011, 07:04 AM   #23
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She does want to shoot. On her own, she wrote out the 4 rules of hand gun saftey and she also drew different kind of sight pictures and almost got it right. She seemed to mix up bad sight pictures with unsafe gun handling. I guess that's not too far off, if someone can't hit the target they do create unsafe conditions. But she did that on her own and she did tell me that she wants to learn to fire.

Still, I looked into some jr shooter programs. The club close to use has a $400 one-time fee plus a $175.00 membership fee. Kind of steep so I've been looking for other options.

For some reason, the trigger on my Sheridan Blue-Streak has turned into a really stiff 2 stage trigger. It was great to learn on when I was a kid, but the trigger on it now needs work for some reason.
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