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Old November 19, 2008, 11:47 AM   #19
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I know very few people who would do so today. Most offer lip service to the ideals that document embodies, but concerns over jobs, wealth, or even comforts will sway them to obediance and compliance.
Buzz ~

And there we are back at the Declaration. Human beings never put everything on the line to change a government when it's only about "light and transient" causes. We just don't like change that much, and most of us fully believe that in order to outweigh a risk that size the potential reward has to be much, much, much larger than the risk.

As for paying lip service to the ideals, I don't see that at all. Few people recognized the argument in the first place, and most people who responded were inclined to strongly disagree with it. Shows how far we've come from the kind of thinking that started our nation.

Kathy Jackson
My personal website: Cornered Cat
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