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Old December 22, 2011, 01:31 PM   #4
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Join Date: April 21, 2011
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If I am getting tense at the range, I talk to myself. I remind myself that my guns are safe, I'm not going to get hurt. I remind myself that I came to have fun. And I take deep breaths and conciously relax my muscles - especially my neck and shoulders.

I also shoot one handed. I don't try to control the recoil when I do this and I take my time shooting. When I'm shooting one handed, my arm rises up and comes back down, there is no "flippy" recoil because I have a good grip, a straight arm but relaxed shoulders. So my arm just rises and falls. I find it comforting and relaxing.

I also do a lot of dry fire exercises and sometimes when I'm shooting I tell myself "This is just like dry fire... do it exactly like you practiced".
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