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Old November 9, 2005, 08:32 AM   #38
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having been in the military, we were taught to MOVE. The drill was called "Fire and Maneuver". You would run to cover, hit the dirt, and lay suppressing fire for your buddy would then move. Your buddy would then hit the dirt and lay suppressing fire. Then you would get up and run to the next point of cover. The whole point of the exercise was that you and your buddy would "leapfrog" (alternating tasks of running and shooting, laying suppressing fire) and advance towards the enemy and flank them.

So you are right, hitting the dirt is important. You have to move, but you better move to cover.

Cover: stops bullets.

Concealment: hides you, but does not stop bullets.

In the Urban scenario, and being alone, I would move to cover while drawing my weapon. Ideally I would fire from cover and move to flank my enemy as best I could. Being alone, that would probably mean I would lay suppressing fire as I ran from cover to cover.

If you are not running, shooting, or communicating, you should be reloading.
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