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Old June 9, 2020, 11:15 PM   #24
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Join Date: November 13, 2006
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Crazy times.

I'm going to borrow some ideas from other disciplines. Other models.
Suppose there is a family with a troubled kid.His behavior has lead either to the parent(s) reaching out for help with the unmanageable kid,or teachers,etc have requested some intervention.
There is no doubt this kid needs help. What is critical is to realize this kid,the "Identified patient" fits into,and is a component of,a whole family system.
A family system that probably has secrets and likely a parent(s) that are the center of the whole dysfunctional mess.
The whole family is sick,but only this kid is identified as troubled. This family will protect the addict or alcoholic or whatever...parent with secrets.
They just want Johnnie to stop cutting himself.

I'm thinking the police departments do have their problems,but they are the identified patients.

Somebody made the decision Chauvin was training officer for the rookies that are accessories. Who made that decision?

Police Departments,police chiefs,etc are managed funded,and ladministered by politics,poiticians,and probably newspapers.

I'm going to break off describing the politics there,in deference to the mods

Back in the 1980's,1990's, J Edwards Deming was in the heyday of the Quality movement.I read his book "Out of the Crisis". There is a lot in that book that would be useful now.
One of them is this. If a process or organization has a point of this police department and look upstream for the root cause of the problem.

Well,as you look upstream in a political will notice a lot of arse covering and throwing people under the bus.

The Police Chief is responsible for everything he does or fails to do. He owns Chauvin.

But a Mayor,or City Council,or a Commisioner owns him. They hired him,they make policies,and the Chief serves at their pleasure.

Chaos and crisis creates a "fog of war" which covers crookrd,corrupt,or incompetent people.

No doubt,the PD needs overhaul.

But its entirely possible the "Systemic problem" runs through a whole network of a State level "Deep State"

IMO,eliminating the PD or defunding it makes no sense.

You might need to fire 70% of the force,unionbe damned,and rebuild it,without cliques,etc.

And a cler light needs to be shined on the rest of Government. ts the voter who must help fix this.

Remember Hill Street Blues? Farillo was a good guy. But the Mayor? The Commissioner?

Then there is the media,youtube,etc pumping the propaganda about evil cops.

No,I don't have the answer.

But we won't get close to the questions without the discussion being political


I do,however,accept and understand the Mods position
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