Thread: Trigger pull
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Old January 7, 2018, 04:15 PM   #12
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A gun with an 8lb pull but a clean and crisp "glass rod break" can be fired more accurately than one with a 4lb pull where the trigger feels like its being dragged through the dirt.
Not by me .... 8 pounds is a bit much force to apply with one's index finger and still keep the rest of the hand from moving at all, especially if one must pull that 8 lbs through an arc of 1/2 and inch or more ...... and for all the praise that tuned S&W revolvers get as being "buttery smooth and cracker crisp", some of them have DA pulls well above 10 pounds ..... but anything can be compensated for with enough training .... I just thinks it's a fool's errand when there are easier learning curves out there.... That is definitely my opinion.

I have dozens of revolvers, single shots, and even some non-1911 family semi autos that meet those trigger pull requirements. It's not JUST 1911s that have good/great triggers.
Excepting the single shots, the word "consistent" in my criteria DQ's most of the rest .... I did not say it was impossible to find a good trigger outside of the 1911 family .... just not easy.
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