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Old April 8, 2013, 06:34 AM   #14
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Join Date: March 31, 2011
Location: Akron, Ohio
Posts: 318
I have a 642 that I bought in December that I pocket carry pretty much every single day. It came with a nice set of rubber grips, but for pocket or waistband carry, I find rubber grips to be less than ideal. In the pocket they tend to grab the pocket material when you try to draw, and for waistband carry, they usually cause your cover garment to 'climb' over them. I ordered a pair of S&W magna service grips for about $30 from S&W. those were much better for pocket carry, but didn't offer as good of control over the air weight 642, as I bought a 't-grip' style grip adapter on ebay (if you are crafty you can get them for a reasonable price.) and now I feel like I have the perfect setup. I pocket carry in a pocket holster by the way. Never just bare in my pocket.
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