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Old April 27, 2024, 01:41 AM   #20
Join Date: April 24, 2024
Posts: 29
Originally Posted by 44 AMP View Post
Another thing to check on, if you live in an apartment or in a more regulated area than out in the weeds is your local limits on how much powder (flammables) you can store at your residence. This amount is usually found in the FIRE CODES.

Not something commonly inspected for, or enforced, but there often is a stated limit in the codes, somewhere. Code violations can lead to fines, or loss of insurance coverage, or possibly a breach of your lease agreement. Be a shame to lose money or even your lease because you had 11 pounds of powder when the fire code only allowed 10.

And, speaking of leases, if it applies to you, do check the "boilerplate" clauses in the fine print. They may mention "dangerous substances" and other vague terms.
When I moved in there was alot to do about the lease, namely the "prohibition of firearms" & not allowing things like paint/stains or anything flammable. Technically a jug of WD-40 would get me evicted.

Thankfully the court ruling barring landlords from prohibiting tenant firearm possession gave me something clear to stand on in a situation where the second amendment was outright ignored.

Even a local cop who lived here left over that, the owner demanding he leave firearms at work.

I will have to check fire code however, thanks for mentioning it as it really didn't pop in my head. I'll likely have to call the fire marshal himself as the only thing in the city database or concerning any type of safety is applying for a building permit. I was kinda under the assumption that the 50lb rule is universal....however I don't think I'd have the stomach to store that much, being a worrier when it comes to holding that much powder not already in cartridges.

Like most things that need to be respected due to what damage can occur if not handled correctly, I'm sure I'll ease up once I get more accustomed to having it around.
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