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Old October 8, 2023, 10:31 AM   #15
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44 AMP, people absolutely make the analytical errors you describe, but that doesn't drive me to adopt those errors.

Some people surely misuse their votes or words. I don't get upset with people who do as a reflection on my group (sometimes called a "community") of voters or speakers. I doubt you see a speeder pulled over on the side of the road and feel embarrassment on behalf of the driver community.

We don't have to give the fellow who was caught doing 75mph in a 60mph zone a pass to acknowledge that he'll have to deal with a ticket, but we aren't personally irked or damaged by his rate of travel, and the locality may enforce it mostly as a revenue measure.

I confess I smiled when I read your scenario in which someone shouts "GUN!" and POs put up a storm of lead that injures people. It read like an argument that POs shouldn't be allowed to carry, at least that day at that station.

POs have a very wide diversity of opinion on whether anyone else should be allowed to carry, so I'll avoid generalization. I think I might know why 5Whiskey posed the question. The police knew he would be carrying a firearm at some point during his visit to the station. There may be a rule that one can't carry inside a police station, but if that's where you are going to pick one up, you'll be carrying on the way out. It seems a petty and insubstantial victory to cite an individual for one of the guns he carries, confiscate it, and have him leave with the other gun he was just handed.

This strikes me as meriting a fine that together with court costs should be less than $500. 5Whiskey's acquaintance should view it as a wash; he shouldn't have expected to ever get his lost pistol back.
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