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Old June 20, 2023, 02:34 PM   #7
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
Location: Upper US
Posts: 29,002
Going to ask a couple of Captn Obvious questions, just to get them out of the way.

I see two different lengths of shells in the pic, you 870 has a 3in chamber, right??

Second, you say ejection, so extraction is ok, right??

Has anyone else shot the gun and if so did they have the issue??

Could it be the gun is just new, stiff and you're not shucking it hard enough to kick the empties out reliably? (I know its not likely, but I had to ask...)

If you sent them the gun clean and it came back dirty, that means they did test fire it. (and didn't clean it after). But if they didn't have the problem you have, they couldn't fix anything. I agree quality ammo from a quality maker should run flawlessly.

There are only three components here, the gun, the ammo, and you (the way you operate the gun). The ammo works fine in other guns, so, its not the issue. That leaves the gun and you. Remington didn't fix (or apparently find) the problem, so that leaves you at the top of the list.

Have some other people shoot it, if they have the same problem you do, then its probably not you.

I had great faith and trust in Remington 50 years ago, but that Remington doesn't exist today. I'm afraid I have no idea who Remington is, or what they do, these days.

IF there is a good gunsmith (who knows 870s) in your area it might be time to have them check the gun out (if it won't take a month and the shipping hassles). That would be, of course on your dime.

Or you might pursue the often frustrating route of contacting Remington and seeing if you can find out what they found out, what they did, or didn't do.

IF the gun is properly ejecting some shells but not all of them, and its a manually operated action, it would appear that the action is not being worked consistently. This may be the source of the problem. Something else may be the source of the problem, all you can to is try different things and see what things you can reasonably eliminate as possible causes.

Good Luck, and do let us know how Remington deals with you over the issue.
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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