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Old September 30, 2022, 06:55 AM   #7
Senior Member
Join Date: July 1, 2001
Posts: 6,364
Look deeply at your exterior door locks. Often the real lock plate(I think called strike plate??) is omitted to safe time and effort. Fitting those seems like a drastic entryway improvement.

Also, are ground floor window locks functional and in use? If you have a patio door, do you have a functional bar lock?

Do you have a front and rear camera accessible through your phone?

Do you have motion detecting lighting? Does your landscaping keep people from using it as cover while working on a lock? Low roses bushes or things like that make for uninviting cover in front of a window prevent someone from working on the window.

I prefer a rat terrier. He will defend you with his 14lb life and make a ton of noise…..but is still decent with children. There are other big protective breeds too.

Last, but maybe should be first….take a class. They are fun!
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