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Old August 21, 2022, 07:26 PM   #8
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What small town police department can afford to have well trained officers for responding to situation like this?

I was on the edge of an 500 person event some years back. My end was just to stand a fire watch and activate sections of the sprinkler system if things got out of hand fire wise (the facility was not intended for the kind of function they put it to)

There was reports of the event being infiltrated by a local nut job (yes I knew her and she was nuts and spent time in Federal Prison latter on)

The event organizers view was, any problems and we just call the Swat team.

The company security guy was a former Police department lieutenant. He proceeded to tell the event people them in no uncertain terms it would take a Swat team 45 minutes to respond at best. The event people were "borrowing" the facility and company security was not armed (nor trained in force issues)

45 minutes was best case to get Swat on location, then per their protocol at the time, it was a carefully check to see what they were dealing with.

He told them if they wanted as secure an event as possible, they needed to have security in the event. This was a Police department of 300,000 people roughly.
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