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Old September 13, 2019, 03:14 PM   #132
Bart B.
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Originally Posted by Metal god View Post
All I know is most of my rifle ejectors are pushing really hard on the head when chambered . To me this means my shoulders are fully forward pressed up against the chambers shoulder before firing . What the firing pin does in that case when it contacts the primer I have no idea .
That's correct. Pin fires the primer and drives the case harder against the chamber shoulder. Sometimes setting the shoulder back a thousandth or more.

My thinking is if my ejector is pushing the case forward in the chamber . Depending on how much clearance I have between my case body and my chamber walls . By pushing hard on only one side of the case head . I'd think my case is likely sitting off center a bit to the bore axis before firing . Does the firing pin straighten that out when fired ? That I will never know because I can't fit in the chamber to see what happens when the rifle fires .
That may cause the case head to go off center but the extractor pushing sideways on the case will definitely push the case head off center. The case body pressure ring then touches the chamber. The case may jump off that point from firing pin impact straightening the case bit in the chamber. Whatever off center the case is, the bullet tip will be about half that much off center in the opposite direction with a perfectly straight cartridge.

As long as all this is repeatable from shot to shot, all's well.

Cut the barrel off at the chamber mouth then chamber a primed case and watch its mouth move around the chamber front as all the rifle parts function and move things around.

Last edited by Bart B.; September 13, 2019 at 03:58 PM.
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