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Old June 2, 2018, 12:56 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by FrankenMauser View Post
I've never understood this argument, and still don't.

Since buying my first .327 Federal revolver, the price of ammo has been roughly the same as .38 Special (let alone .357 Mag). ...And I've lived in two different states and shopped in dozens of shops in five different states since then.
I just don't get it.

I must be blind, isolated, lucky, or regionally blessed (even though I've also looked and priced the ammo in North Carolina).

That aside...
Since when was reloading a bad thing?
I agree with you Frank. Again, the price of JHP defense ammo .38 and .357 is at the least .80/round. For .327, it's about $1/round. For .38, one can get target/plinking ammo for around .25/round, but if we're looking for a cheaper, softer recoiling ammo, then in that case one can get .32 S&W Long for around .30/round.

These prices are indicative if you buy online. If people are (and they should be) buying online, then you can get .32 ammo for a good price. If people are shopping at Bobby Joe's sporting goods store, then yeah, you're likely not going to find .32 revolver ammo and if you do, you're probably not going to get it as cheaply as .38 is and Bobby Joe is probably going to laugh at you and call you a girl for buying .32 ammo when he checks you out at the register.
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