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Old August 23, 2017, 09:15 PM   #31
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Join Date: March 11, 2005
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I agree that comment that not everything warrants pulling a gun. If someone starts approaching in a somewhat aggressive manner, but has not yet shown they are armed, I think having a less than lethal weapon is justified. As mentioned, Fox Labs puts out some good stuff and can greatly impair someone's ability/will to continue the aggression. At a minimum, it is hard to fight when you can barely see. A good thing about pepper sprays is that you can still use it at a distance.

Unless you are well trained in striking tools or even edged weapons, I don't advise getting that close to an attacker. You may be severely underestimating their capabilities. If your gun comes loose in a struggle, it could end very badly.
The ATF should be a convenience store instead of a government agency!
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