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Old January 29, 2017, 06:17 PM   #4
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Join Date: January 2, 2017
Posts: 291
Well, I got the collinscraft grips, and they left a little to be desired. The two grip halves matched perfectly except for that critical part at the top front of the grips where they must mate with the square junction of the frame and back strap. They were at different angles there, and there was no way to make them work. They were also a glaring snow-white.
So I ordered a set of plain one-piece aged ivory grips from Buffalo Brothers. Sent them this pic and asked that they send me a set similar to these, a little aged and with a bit of "color swirl" in them like these but without the steer's head or any faux cracks. They said "No problem" and they should be here tomorrow.
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