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Old October 21, 2015, 01:53 PM   #78
Senior Member
Join Date: November 22, 2006
Posts: 3,077
Dillon is popular because they have been around the longest by far, and for a while were the only progressive manufacturer. There really is no other reason than that
Tell that to folks that have an old Hornady pro 7 or pro-jector or RCBS 4x4, piggy back 3 and 4 (or soon to be in the same boat pro 2000) that are scrap now that they can't get replacement parts, even if they wanted to pay for them.

Then talk to guys that have 30 year old Dillon machines that are still in service and if something breaks Dillon still sends out the parts to fix them for free.

Doesn't make a difference if they were the first progressive press (they were not) or the last. If they were crap they would have gained that reputation by now.
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