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Old August 20, 2014, 05:59 AM   #158
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Join Date: April 6, 2013
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One thing to note about all of these Police deadly force scenarios is the perpetrator always seems to resist the police from the start. If everyone would simply stand still and not say anything this would not have happened. This particular situation started with a mild assault and resistance against the officer. While we dont have all the facts yet to judge the officer's actions, I believe I can state with confidence that this incident was provoked by the actions of Michael Brown.

Ask yourself what would you do if Michael Brown, a very large man, disobeyed your commands and assaulted you even grabbing at your pistol to the point where it goes off. Its easy to state matter of factly what you would do in a message forum, but while its happening is a different matter.

Darren Wilson did not go out on patrol that day expecting or wishing for this to happen. However, Michael Brown had other intentions. He shoplifted from a store and than assaulted the shopkeeper. His next action was then to resist, disobey and assault a police officer.
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