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Old March 20, 2014, 07:39 AM   #6
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Join Date: February 2, 2010
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Bullet against metal is a different story vs bullet against Kevlar vest. A .223 HP varmint bullet will penetrate 1/4" steel plate at 100 yards. Not sure how that relates to body armor since several of the current military bullets were designed specifically to defeat body armor and those have significant penetrative features. Military type 62 grain 223 or most any 30 cal and above centerfire rifle will/should defeat common ballistic vests. My "house gun" AR pistol is loaded with 8-10 rounds of HP followed by 10 rounds of FMJ. I live in the country, far from neighbors so don't have any worries about stray bullets.
In the highly publicized California bank robbery where the criminals were equipped with full body armor, one shooter with a decent rifle could have stopped them in seconds. As it was, the cops were only trained to aim center mass and weren't knowledgeable or skilled enough to shoot for the face, hands, or feet.
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