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Old January 21, 2013, 08:16 AM   #36
Senior Member
Join Date: August 3, 2009
Posts: 509
Al, you have done nothing but attack me in this thread. I do not know what I may have done to offend you, but I can assure you, whatever it was, it was not intentional.

As a moderator, you have an obligation to keep your responses respectful and to be tolerant of peoples opinions when they differ from yours.

In response to your last post.... I live about 2 minutes north of the Connecticut border and it is over an hour drive to RI. There a places west of me in Connecticut that can bring the drive to 1.5+ hours. "Short drive" could mean anything.

While I admit that @ 10 mins it becomes more tempting to take your recommended approach, I still would not take that drive. I need to raise my kids, and I'm not going to tempt Murphy with something like this, especially just for a few $'s.
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