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Old December 18, 2012, 12:07 AM   #56
Join Date: February 12, 2001
Location: DFW Area
Posts: 25,066
That was what year, exactly? And how many firearms with 30 rd mags were available? Remember, the BAR only holds 20....
PRECISELY. Because the current weapon of choice was not readily available then, the perpetrator chose a different weapon. One which turned out to be more deadly than the current weapon of choice.
Apples and oranges. You use flawed data. Proof? What type and caliber weapon, with what capacity, was used in the last 3 publicized mass (?) shootings?
Correlation is not the same as cause and effect, and before we start making new laws and restrictions, it would be well to establish a cause and effect relationship between what is restricted and what we wish to control.

And, it would be well to make at least a reasonable effort to determine what the effect of forcing those who are determined to commit mass murders to find alternate solutions to accomplish their goals.

It is entirely possible that the ready availability of medium caliber, semi-automatic rifles with large capacity detachable magazines has actually reduced the overall body count by being more attractive to those who are determined to perpetrate a mass murder than other, potentially more lethal means would have been.
Do you know about the TEXAS State Rifle Association?
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