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Old December 17, 2012, 11:45 PM   #52
Romeo 33 Delta
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Join Date: March 27, 2009
Posts: 315
In my mind, there is nothing reasonable about telling me that I have to surrender any portion of my rights because someone believes that I don't need something of which they disapprove. I don't need most of what I've acquired in my 68 years ... but they were/are things I wanted ... and THAT should be more than good enough reason for anyone! As a gun-owner for 58 of those years, I've never been a problem, never threatened, wounded or killed anyone except while in the Army.

One thing does matter to me though ... please bear with me. I enlisted in the Army after college and got to my Infantry unit on January 6th, 1968! I'm decorated, combat-wounded and disabled as a result of my service ... frankly, alive ONLY by the grace of God (alone, surrounded, overrun, wounded, no medical attention for about 7 hours, empty weapon, stripped of my watch, billfold, etc. The NVA know I'm alive because I'm cursing them ... and the eight of them just look at me and walk away. Apparently I'm not even worth a single bullet. That was 1 of 8 specific instances in the course of about 2 hours during my last firefight).

I didn't mention this to blow my own horn because there's no way for any of you to know my identity, but to let you know MY past for what I'm about to write:

I wrote this Nation a blank check, payable in any amount, up to and including my life if necessary and I resent beyond my ability to express that ANY politican would tell me that my choice of a semi-auto rifle or 30 round magazine is too dangerous for me to own, telling me that my life-long interest in firearms is too dangerous a hobby to allow, telling me that it's for the good of society ... if it saves only one life ... you really don't need a (-----). They aren't even worthy to lick my boots or the boots of any other Veteran ... EVER! I challenge them: What have you ever done for your Country, except feed off the Public Teat? And if some of those politicans happen to be Veterans and still feel that they are "duty-bound" to violate and infringe on my rights... then they have earned my complete and utter distain.

There, that's my answer ... clear enough?
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