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Old July 26, 2012, 03:27 PM   #85
Join Date: October 13, 2001
Posts: 3,357
Bush didn't allow it. He was against the AWB expiring.
He didn't ask congress for an AWB renewal AFAIK. He could have. Presidents have no actual legislative power but they have influence. It may not have been enough to get any sort of AWB passed, but he could have tried a lot harder than he did. Saying he'd sign it was a cute dodge, but I don't think anyone in congress interpreted that as even a weak signal that Bush wanted them to pursue it.

I can say I'll eat pig brains if they show up on my plate, but if I don't order them...

Disclaimer: I think GWB's administration's policies damaged liberty in this country, and I don't think he was really pro-gun.
“The egg hatched...” “...the egg hatched... and a hundred baby spiders came out...” (blade runner)
“Who are you?” “A friend. I'm here to prevent you from making a mistake.” “You have no idea what I'm doing here, friend.” “In specific terms, no, but I swore an oath to protect the world...” (continuum)
“It's a goal you won't understand until later. Your job is to make sure he doesn't achieve the goal.” (bsg)

Last edited by tyme; July 26, 2012 at 03:40 PM.
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