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Old March 12, 2012, 12:32 PM   #78
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Join Date: October 8, 2010
Location: Colorado
Posts: 283
.45 put people down in both WWI and WWII, it will do the same now. I had a .40s and .45s. I personally like the .45, but as stated before, it doesn't matter as much which you use, as long as you are comfortable with it. The .45 can use a larger bullet, but travels slower than a .40. The recipient will not notice the difference. Many special forces and units of the police (Texas Rangers) use the .45acp. But police use the .40s&w. Either will do if you will. I picked the .45 because I shoot it well, and with a springfield XD or FNP .45, or Glock 21, you get 14+ shots. (13 +1). If I need more than two 13 round mags of .45, I should have brought a rifle.
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